
The Functional Restoration Program team consists of chronic pain specialists in different fields of medical treatment. We all work together to provide interdisciplinary care for our patients.

尽管患者可能不会与团队的所有成员接触, the team meets regularly so that all involved in the patient’s care are up to date on each patient’s case.

经过最初几天的程序调整, 我知道, 毫无疑问, 员工们相信这个项目和他们所教的东西.





Olivia is a licensed and registered occupational therapist in New Hampshire, 佛蒙特州, 和马萨诸塞州. She earned her bachelor's degree in biology from Simmons College in Boston, 麻萨诸塞州, and her master's degree in occupational therapy from the University of New England in Portland, 缅因州.

Guided by the individual interests and values of each person she works with, 奥利维亚重视整体, 以人为本的治疗伙伴关系. She is motivated to support individuals in learning about themselves and understanding their pain experience with the goal of fostering a sense of empowerment. 奥利维亚在慢性疼痛研究方面的临床经验, 儿科门诊, and inpatient rehabilitation have cultivated an appreciation for the mind-body connection and its relevance to supporting individuals in engaging in meaningful activities. 工作之余, 奥利维亚喜欢在大自然中度过时光, 无论是徒步旅行, 长距离的散步, 骑自行车或露营, 与朋友和家人共度时光.

Scott Puracchio, DPT, TPS

Scott Puracchio, DPT, TPS

Scott received his doctorate degree in physical therapy from the University of California, 旧金山. He received further training as a therapeutic pain specialist through Evidence in Motion. His training has guided him to take a more holistic approach to physical therapy, 专注于运动, 睡眠, 营养, 和教育. His treatment goal is to help his patients understand the how and why of their symptoms so they can better learn to manage, 控制, 或者消除它们. 在物理治疗之外, 斯科特喜欢户外活动, 他大部分时间都在花园里度过, 徒步旅行, 或划独木舟.

小塞尔瓦托·曼奇诺., DPT

小塞尔瓦托·曼奇诺., DPT

Sal received his doctorate in physical therapy from the University of Central Florida. He has extensive postgraduate training in the field of manual orthopedic physical therapy. He is a credentialed therapist in the McKenzie Method of mechanical diagnosis and treatment of the spine.


  • Restoring function in people living with pain and in preventing the transition to persistent pain
  • 跟上关于疼痛的最新研究和思考
  • 提高沟通技巧
  • Using interventions and approaches that consider the whole person, their situation, and environment

萨尔和他的妻子妮可住在上山谷. 它们是伯纳多的忠实伴侣, 夏伊洛, 是谁让他们忙于他对户外活动的热爱. 当夏洛不想出门的时候, 你会在音乐会上看到萨尔和他的妻子, 寻找下一个美食目的地, 或徒步旅行.

Heather Jones, PTA/OTA

Heather Jones, PTA/OTA

Heather is both a physical therapy assistant and occupational therapy assistant. 自2015年以来,她一直在功能恢复计划工作. She enjoys working with participants and getting to see their gradual improvement in function and their increased confidence in resuming usual activities without fear of reinjury.

She has a varied background that includes bookkeeping (which caused chronic neck pain, 激发了她对物理和职业治疗的兴趣), 野生动物康复, 以及针对小学生的户外教育. She is the proud stepmom of 3 awesome guys and wishes she had devoted fewer 80’s song lyrics to her long-term memory brain cells (not really, 虽然). 在业余时间她喜欢跳舞, 编织奇怪的帽子, 她对她的两只小狗非常着迷(真的, 虽然).



科琳在明尼苏达大学获得硕士学位 . 自2002年以来,她一直在功能恢复项目团队工作. 作为一名终身运动员,科琳喜欢跑步(50年了)!)、滑雪、骑自行车、骑马,以及最近的泡菜球. 科琳对健康和保健特别感兴趣. In a previous life she taught health and physical education to elementary and middle school students. 她也是一个狂热的面包师,曾经做过一个披萨烤箱! 好吃。!



特鲁迪来自南加州. 她曾就读于宾夕法尼亚大学, where she received both her bachelor's and master's of Science in 护理 degrees as an adult nurse practitioner. 在回加州之前, she worked in radiation oncology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and the VA. 正是在那里,她萌生了帮助痛苦患者的愿望. 在加州, she worked in primary care at a community clinic prior to moving to the high desert, 她加入了一个大型的综合性疼痛管理小组. It became clear that chronic pain involves every aspect of a person’s life and, 像这样, 我们需要关注整个生活在痛苦中的人.

特鲁迪于2020年在疫情最严重的时候搬到了佛蒙特州, 开着破旧的房车和两只狗旅行, 一只猫, 和她的人类家庭. She has been with 十大博彩推荐排名希区柯克医疗中心 (DHMC) since December 2020. 不工作时, 特鲁迪喜欢弹钢琴和英国手铃, 抱着她85磅重的老英国牧羊犬, 谁认为他是哈巴狗. They are working toward becoming a certified therapy dog team in order to be able to bring smiles to staff and patients at DHMC.

Reneka Hawkins, MPA, lsw

Reneka Hawkins, MPA, lsw

瑞妮卡是田纳西州孟菲斯人. She possesses a bachelor’s degree in social science from Tennessee State University, a master’s degree in clinical social work from the University of Tennessee, 获得卡佩拉大学公共管理硕士学位. She is a licensed independent clinical social worker (LICSW) in the state of New Hampshire. Reneka has a history of working in the clinical setting and healthcare industry. She has demonstrated skills in leadership, facilitation, strategic planning, and policy development.

通过教育, 社区服务, 和实践, Reneka has a deep understanding of and passion for helping others reach self-sufficiency while providing them with the tools they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. She strives to provide a community-respected expertise to colleagues in the field. 她还通过创作为个人和家庭服务, 实现, and monitoring policies to positively affect change in an effort to yield positive outcomes. 不工作时, 她喜欢旅行。, 花时间与朋友和家人在一起, 看无聊的电视.



杰西是上谷人,冒险到芝加哥上大学. 城市生活不太适合她, 毕业后获得了美术学士学位, 专攻室内设计, 她搬回了上山谷, 从事大量的零售和陈列室工作. After her son was born 9 weeks premature, she was inspired by his care team. She decided that she wanted to work at the hospital that saved her son’s life.

Jess started at DHMC's 疼痛和脊柱中心 with no health care knowledge. Her knowledge grew and she found a love for helping patients with chronic pain. This passion led her to become the Program Coordinator for the Functional Restoration Program and co-founder of the Active Pain Care Service. 她认为仅仅活着是不够的, 她想告诉病人,有质量的生活仍然是有希望的. 在她休息的时候, 她正在足球场上追逐她的两个孩子, and loves watching movies and cross stitching gifts to sell at local craft fairs.