
Skin testing helps identify substances that may cause an allergic reaction. A sterile plastic disposable device that has been coated in allergen pricks the outer surface of the skin. Usually, this is done on the back, but may be done on the arm. Adverse reactions to skin testing are rare but can include sneezing, 鼻塞, 眼睛痒, or shortness of breath.

If 你 have questions, please 给我们办公室打电话 before the appointment.

Preparing for 你r skin test

Certain medications can interfere with the response to allergy testing. To prepare for 你r skin test, 你 must stop taking antihistamines seven days before 你r appointment. This includes over-the-counter medications that contain an antihistamine medication (such as Nyquil).

哮喘吸入器, Montelukast (which is Singulair), inhaled nasal steroids (such as fluticasone) and topical skin creams 不 interfere with skin testing. 你 need to stop those before 你r appointment.

If 你 are being seen for chronic swelling and hives and are taking antihistamines to control 你r symptoms, 你 need to stop taking them before the appointment.

If 你 are not sure if a medication is an antihistamine or if it should be stopped, please call us to check ahead of time.

请注意: Stopping antidepressants or other psychiatric medications always needs authorization by the prescribing physician, 如果需要的话, 应该继续.


To prepare for 你r skin test, stop taking the following antihistamines seven days before 你r appointment.

Prescription antihistamines

  • Azelastine eyedrops (Optivar)
  • Azelastine nasal sprays (Astelin, Astepro)
  • 赛庚啶
  • Clarinex (Desloratadine)
  • Emadine eyedrops (emedastine)
  • Hydroxyzine (Atarax, Vistaril)
  • Levocetirizine oral (Xyzal)

Over-the-counter antihistamines

  • Allegra (fexofenadine)
  • Alavert(氯雷他定)
  • Benadryl (diphenhydramine)
  • Chlor-Trimeton (chlorpheniramine)
  • 定(氯雷他定)
  • Dimetane (brompheniramine)
  • Tavist (clemastine)
  • Xyzal (levocetirizine)
  • 仙特明(西替利嗪)

Other things to know about skin testing

  • Less common food allergies: We 不 have extracts for every single food available for testing but do have them for the most common food allergens (milk, 蛋, 花生, 树坚果, 大豆, 小麦, 鱼, 和贝类). If 你 are coming in for an allergy to a fruit, 蔬菜, or less common food allergy, bring that food with 你 (for example, 苹果或鳄梨). Fresh fruits and 蔬菜s actually work better than extracts for skin testing since they are less processed. We can almost always test with a food that 你 bring in. Only a pea-sized amount of the food is needed for testing purposes.
  • 哮喘药物: Take all medications for asthma as usual unless 你 are otherwise directed.
  • 阳光照射: Please avoid excessive sun exposure before testing.
  • Food sensitivity testing: We 不 order or interpret food sensitivity testing, such as food IgG testing. Food IgG testing is not FDA approved or validated. 请参阅 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & 免疫学的网站 了解更多信息.
  • Antibiotic and medication allergy testing: For antibiotic or other medication allergies, we do have penicillin available for skin testing; however, we 不 routinely have every antibiotic or other drug on hand for skin testing. 你 may need a separate follow-up appointment for additional antibiotic skin testing. Please feel free to call a few days or more ahead of 你r appointment and discuss any additional testing needs and we may be able to order items ahead of time.