
怀孕 and birth are special, and very individualized experiences, for you and your family. We feel privileged to support and guide you during this process. While most pregnancies have expected outcomes, some pregnancies are affected by chronic illness or problems related directly to the pregnancy. Our providers and practitioners work with you to ensure the best possible outcome even if complications occur.

Our philosophy of care

From the timing of your birth to your experience during labor, we put you at the center of our philosophy of care.


  • The best timing for a full-term pregnancy is when labor begins on its own, naturally.
  • Labor should only be induced when the health of the mother and baby will benefit.
  • Vaginal birth is the best for the majority of women.
  • 钳交付, vacuum-assisted delivery, second twin vaginal breech delivery, and cesarean birth can be used safely to assist women with birth in specific situations.

Experience in labor

  • Women should labor at home until they are in active labor, unless the health of the mother or baby is at risk.
  • Women should move around during labor to gain the beneficial effects of gravity and allow themselves to find comfortable positions.
  • We provide comfort and pain relief to women in labor in accordance with a women's individual needs.
  • Intrusive monitoring should be limited to women who have specific risk and need for these technologies.
  • The role of providers, 还有家庭, is to discover how to best guide and support a woman through labor and delivery.


Most women see their prenatal care providers 12-15 times during their pregancy. You can always contact your prenatal care team between scheduled visits if you have any concerns.

Pregnancies are organized by three month time periods, referred as a trimester. We measure your pregnancy stages by weeks from the date of your last menstrual period. A normal pregnancy is 38-42 weeks long.