窦中心 治疗及服务

We provide comprehensive treatments and services for sinus conditions. We can provide many treatments in the office or on an outpatient basis.

Our treatments and services include:

  • Absorbable nasal implants:这种微创的室内治疗方法支持鼻子外侧(侧)壁内的上下软骨. We use this treatment to prevent the dynamic collapse of the nostril.
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    鼻窦的计算机断层扫描(CT)显示自发性脑脊液泄漏来自右筛窦颅底缺损,涉及筛板外侧板, 修复使用内窥镜
    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak and encephaloceles repair脊髓液渗漏入鼻可能是自发发生的,也可能是颅面外伤的结果. 这些渗漏通常可以通过鼻内窥镜进行修复,以防止脑膜炎的发展. 我们通过在鼻子里插入一个薄的器械来进行内窥镜修复.
  • Chemical cautery or electrosurgery: We use this in-office to treat recurrent or severe nosebleeds. 在这个过程中, 医生使用化学棉签或电流来密封血管并形成疤痕组织, which will help prevent nosebleeds.
  • 冷冻疗法消融: This in-office procedure treats chronic nasal drainage and 血管舒缩性鼻炎 (non-allergic runny nose). Cryogenic ablation uses extreme cold to freeze and destroy tissue.
  • Culture-directed antibiotic therapy这种疗法包括在鼻子的某个部位注射高剂量的局部抗生素. To ensure that the correct antibiotic is used, the doctor will first take a culture (sample) from the nose. This therapy can be used to treat 鼻窦炎 when there are issues with antibiotic resistance.
  • Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)内窥镜DCR是一种治疗泪道阻塞引起的流泪的方法. 这种微创手术包括在眼睛和鼻子之间开一个小口,为眼泪提供一条新的通道.
  • Endoscopic orbital decompression: This is a surgical treatment for thyroid eye disease, also known as 坟墓的眼病. This disease can occur before or with other signs of 甲状腺机能亢进. 手术切除眼球周围的少量骨头,以帮助减少眼睛的突起.
  • 内窥镜鼻中隔成形术本手术可减轻因严重鼻塞引起的症状 隔膜. 微创手术包括切除鼻中隔的偏曲部分. 这种方法通常避免手术后使用鼻夹板和填充物.
  • Endoscopic skull base surgery我们使用这种微创手术从颅底(基底)切除垂体瘤或其他肿瘤. 接受内窥镜颅底手术的患者比那些通过开放切口进行传统手术的患者恢复得更快. They also have a lower risk of complications and a similar success rate. This multidisciplinary surgery involves a rhinologist (sinus surgeon), who works through one nostril to open the sinuses, 神经外科医生, 谁通过另一个鼻孔切除肿瘤的一部分,包括颅底. 这种方法的优点是有2个外科医生和4只手进行手术.
  • Endoscopic sphenopalatine artery ligation对于一些与潜在的全身性疾病或出血性疾病无关的难以治愈的后鼻血,这是一种有效的治疗方法. The sphenopalatine artery is a blood vessel at the back of the nose. Ligation is the process of closing off a blood vessel.
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    Postoperative appearance after removal of nasal polyps
    健康的, 鼻息肉切除术后功能性额窦(扩展版III额窦切开术)
    Functional endoscopic sinus surgery这种微创手术的目的是恢复鼻窦的自然引流. 它还允许使用局部药物来治疗鼻窦.
  • Monoclonal antibody treatment for polyps这些小说, 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准的非甾体药物治疗是减少鼻息肉的非手术选择.
  • Nasal valve repair and functional rhinoplasty鼻瓣膜修复和功能性鼻成形术是优化鼻腔气流和缓解鼻塞的手术方法.
  • 嗅觉测试: 嗅觉测试 can assess your ability to sense common odors. 一个国家认可的标准化的刮擦和嗅测试评估你对40种常见气味的嗅觉识别. 这个测试可能有助于确定你嗅觉丧失的存在和严重程度, based on data from people your age that have a normal smelling ability.
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    Nasal cavity polyps obstructing the sinuses
    Nasal cavity polyps obstructing the sinuses before surgery
    息肉切除术: This in-office treatment is used to remove nasal polyps.
  • Radiofrequency ablation of the inferior turbinates: Turbinates are tiny structures in the nose that moisten, 热, and filter air as it passes through your nose and into your lungs. The inferior turbinate is the largest turbinate. 这种室内治疗用于治疗下鼻甲发炎或肿胀引起的鼻塞. 这种治疗包括使用一种针状仪器向鼻甲施加产生热量的无线电波.
  • Stereotactic computer-assisted (navigational) surgery: Computer-assisted surgical navigation is a tool we use in special cases. 这些装置在手术过程中提供手术器械在鼻窦内位置的精确信息. They can also be used to create 3D reconstructions to help your surgeon. 我们通常在手术过程中使用立体定向计算机辅助手术来纠正先前的手术, 治疗鼻息肉, 或者切除正常手术标志被切除或改变的颅底肿瘤. 外科医生将来自计算机的信息与他们的训练结合起来.
  • Vasomotor rhinitis surgery: This surgical treatment may be an option for patients with chronic 血管舒缩性鼻炎 (非过敏性流鼻涕)和血管舒缩性鼻炎对局部药物有反应.

治疗 for benign and malignant tumors


内翻性乳头状瘤是鼻窦最常见的良性软组织肿瘤. Other types of benign tumors include:

  • 腺瘤
  • 血管瘤
  • Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA)
  • 神经鞘瘤
  • 鳞状上皮乳头状瘤

这些良性肿瘤通常在内窥镜下切除,没有任何切口. More extensive tumors may require a small incision hidden in the eyebrow.

Recurrent left frontal sinus inverted papilloma

CT showing a recurrent left frontal sinus inverted papilloma
CT showing a recurrent left frontal sinus inverted papilloma
Recurrent left frontal sinus inverted papilloma before and after resection

Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma (JNA)

Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma on the left nasal cavity
A juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma on the left nasal cavity


Malignant sinus tumors are uncommon. There are many types of malignant sinus tumors, including:

  • 腺样囊性癌
  • 腺癌
  • 黏膜黑色素瘤
  • 鼻咽癌
  • 神经内分泌肿瘤
  • Olfactory neuroblastoma (esthesioneuroblastoma)
  • 鳞状细胞癌

对于这些肿瘤,我们通常建议手术作为初始治疗方法. We can often do this surgery endoscopically. Further postoperative treatment may involve radiation, 化疗, 或两个, 根据肿瘤的类型和我们多学科的建议 Head and Neck Cancer Program 团队.

MRI of a left olfactory neuroblastoma before and after resection
Left olfactory neuroblastoma before and after endoscopic resection
A left olfactory neuroblastoma before and after endoscopic resection