
The Child and Pediatric Psychology track will offer one position for the 2024-2025 training year. The intern provides services in outpatient and residential settings including the Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Psychiatry at DHMC, 我们的社区专科诊所, 汉诺威精神病学, 和儿科初级保健.

这些机会提供个人和团体干预方面的培训, 家庭治疗, 以及针对青少年的家长管理培训, 包括焦虑, 抑郁症, 强迫症, 注意力缺陷多动症, 奇怪的, 消除障碍, 创伤相关疾病, 还有睡眠问题.

培训包括关于提供循证干预措施的指导.g., 行为疗法, 认知行为治疗, 行为, 正念的干预措施, 家长培训, 家庭系统疗法, 功能性家庭疗法. They also participate as integral members of an interdisciplinary team of psychologists and psychiatrists to provide brief evaluations, 认知行为治疗, 以及2-19岁青少年的药物管理咨询.

This opportunity will allow interns to work side-by-side with a psychiatrist to provide care to individuals and families. 由实习生组成的团队, 精神病学的, and the supervising psychologist meet following each clinical evaluation to discuss the patient’s needs and then present treatment options to the patient using a shared decision making model.

The Child and Pediatric Psychology track intern provides outpatient therapy and assessment services to the Dartmouth College community through 汉诺威精神病学, including individual and group interventions and comprehensive psychological evaluations to youth in the community. 实习生还将提供儿科初级保健服务, 哪个提供综合护理环境.

Child track interns also have the opportunity to collaborate on ongoing research projects.



十大博彩推荐排名希区柯克医疗中心(DHMC)位于新罕布什尔州的黎巴嫩. DHMC is the regional academic medical center where faculty and trainees of Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth provide direct care to patients from throughout New England. The Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic at DHMC is maintained by the Department of Psychiatry to provide child and adult services and manage the hospital's psychiatric inpatient and partial hospitalization units. 精神科急诊服务由医院急诊科提供. 大约10,000 patients per year receive some type of service from one of the Department's units at DHMC. 大约4,000名成年人和1名,每年有300名儿童接受门诊药物管理和心理治疗. Child and Pediatric Psychology track interns spend a substantial proportion of their training year providing services to the DHMC population. DHMC也被认为是实习项目的学术基地, 在这个项目的教育中心工作. 实习生也在DHMC完成他们的教学培训.


汉诺威精神病学, 位于汉诺威, 新汉普郡, is a community-based psychiatric and psychological practice offering evidence-based treatment and evaluation, 是精神病学的一个分支. 该实践经常为十大博彩推荐排名学院的学生和教师提供服务, 以及周围社区的成员. All clinicians practicing and supervising at 汉诺威精神病学 are faculty of the Department of Psychiatry at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, resulting in a team of highly skilled professionals who remain abreast of best practices in mental health services.

除了提供临床服务, 汉诺威精神科的临床医生也参与了研究项目, 指导和指导初级教师, 居民, 和实习生. Treatment approaches utilized at 汉诺威精神病学 include cognitive-行为疗法 (认知行为治疗), 辩证行为疗法, 暴露和反应预防(ERP), 正念的干预措施, 以家庭为本的治疗(莫兹利方法), 以创伤为中心的认知行为疗法, 复发预防, 育儿技巧的培养, 和精神药理学. 这位儿童和儿科实习医生每周在汉诺威精神病院工作两天.


The DHMC 儿科初级保健 clinic is a medical setting in which the Child and Pediatric Psychology track intern delivers care to children and adolescents in a collaborative manner with physicians and other allied health professionals for a range of emotional and behavioral health needs. Interns work alongside the supervising psychologist to provide brief interventions and consultations for these patients.


凯特林P. Ahlers博士 (蒙大拿大学. 阿勒斯于2021年加入DHMC和盖泽尔医学院. Dr. Ahlers specializes in the assessment of neurodevelopmental disabilities and provides autism diagnostic evaluations through the DH Behavioral and Neurodevelopmental 服务 program. She also provides outpatient therapy and uses behavioral and cognitive-behavioral treatments for youth with a range of behavioral, 焦虑, 以及压力相关疾病, including children and adolescents with autism and co-occurring mental health conditions. Dr. Ahlers’ research focuses on addressing the co-occurring mental health needs of autistic youth, 特别是创伤, with the goal of increasing the accessibility and effectiveness of evidence-based practices for youth on the spectrum.

詹姆斯·T. 克雷格博士 (阿肯色大学. Craig于2017年加入DHMC和Geisel医学院. Dr. Craig uses behavioral and cognitive-behavioral approaches to treat children and adolescents presenting with conduct-related disorders, 注意力缺陷多动症, 睡眠障碍, 消除障碍, 焦虑, 强迫症和抑郁症. 他擅长治疗攻击性疾病, 儿童和青少年的挑衅和破坏性行为. Dr. 克雷格的研究兴趣是同伴受害, 欺凌预防, and innovative treatments for children with aggressive and defiant behaviors that can be applied outside of traditional mental health care settings.

克里斯蒂娜·摩尔博士 – Christina Moore is a child clinical psychologist specializing in the assessment and treatment of disruptive behavior disorder, 创伤后压力, 以及性别确认护理. She provides outpatient clinical services through the departments of psychiatry and pediatrics, 包括通过综合初级保健和内分泌学. 除了提供临床护理,Dr. Moore conducts research focused on increasing access to evidence-based interventions for youth living in rural settings at-risk of trauma and traumatic stress.

玛丽K. 扬科夫斯基博士 (佛蒙特大学. Jankowski has been a member of the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry for more than a decade. 她的研究兴趣包括改善对受创伤儿童的护理, 受父母物质使用障碍影响的青年、家庭和儿童, implementing system change in large child serving sectors including children's behavioral health, 儿童福利和少年司法, 实施和评估创伤知情护理的有效性. 临床, she specializes in treatment of trauma related disorders across the lifespan and teaches and supervises interns, 博士后研究人员, 儿童精神病学研究员.

卡洛琳(卡丽)沙克特,博士,NCSP (美国马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校. 沙克特于2019年加入DHMC和盖泽尔医学院. Dr. Shackett为儿童和青少年提供个性化治疗, 运用行为和认知行为方法. 她还提供心理教育和诊断评估. 她在功能行为评估和干预方面受过培训和专业知识. Dr. Shackett is also a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and has worked in and consulted with schools on a variety of topics ranging from psychoeducational assessments to positive behavioral interventions and supports.